Heart Foundation Lottery closing dates change under Covid-19 lockdown
Published: 15 April 2020
The Heart Foundation Lottery, one of our significant fundraising programmes, is being impacted by the Covid-19 restrictions which are affecting our ability to operate as usual.
The Department of Internal Affairs last week released temporary changes to how we, as a Class 3 operator, can conduct our current Lottery (No. 123) in response to the Covid-19 lockdown and Government restrictions.
These changes mean that, effective from now, we are temporarily unable to process any new orders for lottery tickets and we are required to extend the closing and draw dates of Lottery No. 123.
The updated draw dates For Heart Foundation Lottery No. 123 are as follows:
- Early-Buy Prize Draw – 29 May 2020 (results published 5 June)
- Closing Date – 19 June 2020
- Main Prize Draw – 26 June 2020 (results published 3 July)
All supporters with tickets in this Lottery are still entered and eligible to win a stunning array of prizes worth up to $820,000. Any new orders that we receive will be processed, and tickets issued, as soon as the Department of Internal Affairs advise we can resume the programme.
We will be providing updates on the Lottery programme on our website and will update our FAQs as more information comes to hand.
We are grateful to our loyal supporters for their commitment to the Heart Foundation Lottery during these challenging times. Our thanks to everyone for their patience as we work through the restrictions together.
The Heart Foundation is continuing to support people who are vulnerable and living with heart conditions in our communities and our thoughts go out to all the people affected by the Covid-19 coronavirus.