MPs show their big hearts by supporting the Big Heart Appeal
Published: 16 February 2020
MPs are showing their big hearts throughout the country, by supporting the Heart Foundation's Big Heart Appeal street collection this month.
Every 90 minutes, one New Zealander dies of heart disease and the Heart Foundation's vital work funds research to save lives and improve the quality of life for the 180,000 New Zealanders living with heart disease.
The Heart Foundation is New Zealand's leading independent funder of heart research and since 1968, it has funded more than $74 million in research and specialist training for cardiologists and medical specialists.
"We've come a long way, with a 75 per cent reduction in deaths from heart disease since we started our work. But heart disease still claims over 6,000 lives in New Zealand each year and one preventable death is one too many. Heart disease also impacts significantly on the day to day activities of Kiwis," says Heart Foundation Medical Director Gerry Devlin.
Dr Duncan Webb, Labour MP for Christchurch Central, will be supporting the annual appeal on Friday February 21 at South City Shopping Centre.
"The Heart Foundation is one of New Zealand's most respected charities, improving the lives of those living with heart disease with support and education, and funding research and specialist training that is saving lives," he says.
Hon Dr Nick Smith, National MP for Nelson, will be supporting the annual appeal on Friday February 21 at Countdown Nelson.
"The Heart Foundation is a wonderful cause that we all should support. They have made incredible progress in reducing the loss of life from heart disease but it still remains one of New Zealand’s biggest killers," he says.
Labour MP, Michael Wood, will be out supporting the appeal at Countdown in his local electorate of Mt Roskill on Friday 21 February.
"I'm helping out with the Heart Foundation’s Big Heart Appeal because I want more people in our community to live full and healthy lives. Through better research, support, and care we can ensure that fewer New Zealanders suffer from heart disease and improve life for those who do. Heart disease is our biggest killer so anything we can do to prevent heart disease makes a huge difference for our community," he says.
The Heart Foundation is calling for people to show their big heart by donating to its Big Heart Appeal street collection on Friday 21 and Saturday 22 February. You can also make a donation by calling the Heart Foundation on 0800 830 100 or online.