Earlybird catches $10,000
Published: 27 May 2015
How would you feel if you won $10,000 in the Heart Foundation Lottery? For Rose, it was an overwhelming sense of disbelief and gratitude.
Rose, who won the Earlybird Cash Prize in Lottery 93, says she’s still trying to get her head around the good news.
“It just hasn't sunk in yet, but I feel a huge appreciation for it. I'm feeling very thankful for the way $10,000 will lighten the load financially," she says.
When Lottery Manager Gail McIntyre phoned up on April 17th, Rose thought she was being asked to help with a special appeal.
“I had to switch my thinking from 'I wonder what I can do to help them' to 'she's telling me I've won $10,000'. I felt disbelief," she recalls.
“I've never won anything like that before so I felt very surprised. My knees felt weak."
Rose is one of our long-term supporters, having been an auto-buyer in the Lottery since December 1999.
“I buy the tickets because I really want to support the Heart Foundation and also because I dream of winning. Both my parents experienced heart problems.”
Rose’s dad had three heart attacks when she was growing up and died when he was 60.
“My mother also had angina and had an angioplasty when she was 57. That one operation lasted her well as she only passed away on the first of March this year, aged 92.”
Rose says she’s now looking forward to using the money to pay down her mortgage.
“Thank you Heart Foundation so much - this is so wonderful!"