John Mann - inspiring others to get “Fit4Life”
Published: 16 December 2011
John's experience in personal training and a passion for supporting people with their physical activity goals makes him a great motivator and inspiration to others.
John Mann is a recent graduate of the AUT-accredited, Pacific Heartbeat Certificate in Pacific Nutrition (CPN) course. John is currently leading a Church-based exercise programme, “Fit4Life”, which is free to the community.
“Fit4Life”, which is funded by Counties Manukau District Health Board, runs three mornings a week in South Auckland. The programme attracts up to 150 people (15 years old and above), with varying levels of fitness and ability. The focus is on supporting participants to work at their own pace and build from there.
John found the CPN course “definitely worthwhile”, particularly the Pacific nutrition training. He now includes weekly nutrition workshops on healthy eating, eating on a budget and foods for a healthy heart.
”The course helped me improve my presentation skills and approach to running nutrition workshops,” says John.
When asked for tips on how people can stay active over the summer, John wanted to encourage Pacific communities to get outside.
“Make use of the great weather by kicking a ball around outside or taking the kids down to the local parks, pools and the beaches,” he says.
“The key to regular participation is to find something that’s fun for you to do, because if you’re not enjoying the activity, then you don’t really want to get out there.”
The first six week cycle of the Fit4Life programme is coming to an end. Contact John Mann on 021 631 781 for information about the next course which starts early 2012. Fit4Life is based at the Life Church, 110 Montgomery Road, Mangere.
Congratulations to John Mann who along with 58 other participants, will be awarded with the Auckland University of Technology Certificate in Pacific Nutrition on Friday 16th December 2011.