Update from the Big Apple
Published: 28 August 2018
New York training is in full swing for Heart Foundation Overseas Fellow Dr Mariusz Wolbinski. Here's an update on his progress.

From left: Heart Foundation Overseas Fellow Dr Mariusz Wolbinski with Cardiac Surgeon Dr Vinnie Bapat, and Interventional Cardiologist and Valve Service Clinical Leader Dr Susheel Kodali.
Greetings from New York’s Columbia University Heart Center. Since starting my Heart Foundation Overseas Fellowship here in July 2018, I have had the opportunity to learn from and work alongside, internationally renowned specialists in minimally invasive heart valve intervention.
In addition to performing a high volume of transcatheter aortic valve implantations, which is now a well-established treatment for aortic stenosis around the world, I have had the benefit of participating in novel cutting-edge procedures that take full advantage of the latest technology in treating other heart valve conditions.
Columbia is a world pioneer in advancing transcatheter treatment techniques for mitral and tricuspid valve disease, which has to date, been very difficult to address without open heart surgery.
I am deeply grateful to the New Zealand Heart Foundation for their support in making this experience possible, and I hope to be able to make these treatments more available to Kiwi heart patients in the future.