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Understand how to modify canteen recipes to help make recipes healthier for your students with our free poster. more»
Do you order your child’s school lunch through a lunch ordering system? Our guide can help you decide what to choose for a healthy lunch. more»
Ordering school lunches is fast becoming the new normal for many Kiwi families. A growing number of kids eat food that’s freshly made by school canteens or external food suppliers. more»
The way you display your canteen food can increase your sales and encourage children to pick healthier options. more»
Get inspired with our healthy snack mix and match poster. Simply use the poster to choose your base food and add a healthy spread or topping to complete your snack. more»
Our makesheets are full of different ways to make the food you provide in canteens healthier. These are small, easy changes that can have a big impact. more»
Stuck for school lunchbox ideas? Get inspired with our lunchbox recipes for 6-12 year olds. Each lunchbox features a nutritious recipe and healthy fruit and vege snacks suitable for kids. more»
A range of recipe cards designed for people catering to school and early learning service canteens. more»
If you’re running a school or early learning service canteen, standardised recipes can help you with your menu planning. Find out how to make one with our resource. more»