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Learn more about ICDs (implantable cardioverter defibrillator) with our pamphlet. more»
Free for first 50 (then $0.10 each)
An A4 poster to show how quitting smoking will help your heart, and the support options available to help you quit. more»
Free for first 25 (then $0.50 each)
Guideline for diagnosis, management and secondary prevention of acute rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease. more»
Guidance for health professionals on the management of treatment failure and/or recurrence of treated group A streptococcal (GAS) sore throats to prevent acute rheumatic fever. more»
Best practice algorithm for the management of recurrent treated group A streptococcal (GAS) positive sore throats in children and adolescents. more»
This position statement summarises the key findings and recommendations from the Heart Foundation’s evidence paper, ‘Whole grains and the heart’, which was issued in September 2018. more»
Our ‘Whole grains and the heart’ evidence paper outlines the research underpinning our recommendations for eating whole grain foods. more»