Our regional teams
We have a team of dedicated staff who work at Heart Foundation branches around the country. They are ready to help you with heart healthy initiatives and support people and families/whānau affected by heart disease.
Heart Health Advocates in your community
Heart Health Advocates (HHAs) work on a range of projects, providing care and support to people and families/whānau who are living with heart disease. They also act as local ambassadors for the Heart Foundation, making sure that we are visible and connected in local communities. Our HHAs work with health professionals and patients, helping support people on their heart disease journey.
Contact our Heart Health Advocates
Nutrition Advisors
Nutrition Advisors work in schools and early learning services helping to create environments that promote healthy eating and physical activity. They work closely with teachers, education leaders and decision-makers in many ways including: supporting the provision of healthy food, providing professional development opportunities for staff, developing healthy policies and delivering relevant teaching sessions. Most of our Nutrition Advisors are tertiary-trained nutritionists.
Find out more about the work being done in schools and early learning services.
Contact our Nutrition Advisors
The Heart Foundation needs volunteers, in order to do its vital work in the community. Every day, volunteers from all walks of life including: board and local committee members, volunteer nurses and doctors, fundraisers and public speakers are helping us with our work. These people are out in the regions working alongside our HHAs helping to provide care and support to people and their families/whanau who are living with heart disease.
Many of our volunteers are heart attack survivors or have experienced the effect of heart disease through loved ones. They often support our 'You Are Not Alone’ workshops and sessions by sharing their personal journey of heart disease with others.