Lesson 4 - Seasonal kai
Kai needs the right weather conditions to grow. Ākonga can familiarise themselves with foods available from chilly takurua to sunny raumati in this word search. Then test the class learning with the kai sorting by seasonal availability.
In this lesson ākonga learn about the seasonality of kai and what kai are available all year compared to those that are seasonal.
Learning outcome
Ākonga can:
- understand the availability of kai based on seasons.
New Zealand Curriculum links
Health and Physical Education – Level 1
Personal health and physical development.
- Personal growth and development - Describe feelings and ask questions about their health, growth, development, and personal needs and wants.
Relationships with other people.
- Identity, sensitivity, and respect - Demonstrate respect through sharing and cooperation in groups.
English – Level 1
Listening, reading, and viewing.
- Language features - Students will: recognise and begin to understand how language features are used for effect within and across texts. Indicators: recognises a large bank of high-frequency and some topic-specific words.