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Resources for schools and early learning services

Discover our range of free, downloadable resources for schools, early learning services and whānau. From lesson plans and hands-on cooking skills, to guides on nutrition and physical activity, everything is designed to support you in helping children to make healthy choices.

  • Re-train your taste buds to enjoy less salt by substituting it with one or more of these options when you are preparing and cooking food.

  • Large amounts of the kai we eat is processed. Processing makes kai available to us even after the harvest season has passed. It can also make kai taste better and safer to eat.

  • We often purchase kai without knowing where it has come from. This learning activity is designed to get tamariki to start thinking about sources of the foods they eat.

  • A large amount of the kai we eat is processed. Show ākonga how kai from everyday ingredients are changed by processing with the morphing kai activity.

  • This resource will support you to reframe the way you talk about food with the tamariki in your whānau.

  • There are many benefits to children as young as 6 months drinking from an open cup, rather than a sippy cup or bottle.

  • Explore more about how to encourage little ones to gain confidence with cutlery.

  • What and how much we eat affects the way our bodies function and feel. Encourage your ākonga to identify levels of fullness and then create emojis in relation to how different kai make them feel.

  • Gather your dictionary detectives to learn the te reo Māori words for different kai. Extend the learning by asking ākonga to find the translations to the kai in a language spoken at home or of interest.

  • We can connect different types of kai with helping parts of our body function properly. Learn about the different kai groups with a card sorting activity and then help Sam by pairing the cards to the body parts they support.

  • Kai needs the right weather conditions to grow. Ākonga can familiarise themselves with foods available from chilly takurua to sunny raumati in this word search. Then test the class learning with the kai sorting by seasonal availability.

  • One of the ways we can talk about kai is to describe how it looks, tastes, smells and feels using our senses. The intent of this lesson is to build ākonga vocabulary for words they can use to describe their food experience through being sensory scientists.
