Lesson 3 - Let’s talk about kai
One of the ways we can talk about kai is to describe how it looks, tastes, smells and feels using our senses. The intent of this lesson is to build ākonga vocabulary for words they can use to describe their food experience through being sensory scientists.
In this lesson ākonga will learn about the various attributes (sight, taste, texture, and smell) of different kai and how to describe them.
Learning outcome
Ākonga can:
- use sensory vocabulary to describe kai
- identify words to describe feelings about kai.
New Zealand Curriculum links
Health and Physical Education – Level 1
Personal health and physical development.
- Personal growth and development - Describe feelings and ask questions about their health, growth, development, and personal needs and wants.
- Personal identity - Describe themselves in relation to a range of contexts.
Relationships with other people.
- Identity, sensitivity, and respect - Demonstrate respect through sharing and cooperation in groups.
- Interpersonal skills- Express their own ideas, needs, wants, and feelings clearly and listen to those of other people.
English – Level 1
Listening, reading, and viewing.
- Language features - Students will: recognise and begin to understand how language features are used for effect within and across texts. Indicators: recognises a large bank of high-frequency and some topic-specific words.
Speaking, writing and presenting.
- Ideas - Students will: form and express ideas on a range of topics. Indicators: begins to support ideas with some detail.
Science – Level 1 and 2
Nature of science.
- Communicating in science - Build their language and develop their understandings of the many ways the natural world can be represented.