Connecting with kai teachers’ supplement
The teachers’ supplement for Connecting with kai provides specific links to the New Zealand Curriculum and useful tips on how to talk about kai in a non-judgmental way, helping all ākonga engage in the lessons.
Connecting with kai is intended to create a safe and supportive atmosphere for learning about kai and nutrition.
To strengthen food and nutrition teaching and learning the Connecting with kai lessons are aligned with the New Zealand Health Physical Education (HPE) Curriculum, Levels 1-2.
The teachers' supplement for Connecting with kai provides specific links to the New Zealand Curriculum and useful tips on how to talk about kai in a non-judgmental way, helping all ākonga engage in the lessons.
It includes the following sections:
1. Lesson overview
- Supporting nutrition resources
2. Introduction for kaiako
- Background
- How we talk about kai
- Understanding bias towards kai
- Keeping kai positive
- Don’t know the answer?
- Ways to enhance your class and school nutritional learning
- Taking the learning home to whānau, caregivers and parents