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Lesson 1 - Where’s the kai?

Help Hearty find and name the kai in the picture, then place the kai into groups you could eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner and paramanawa.

In this lesson ākonga are introduced to different types of kai. The lesson focuses on recognising and identifying different kai and how they might be introduced in a day. Ākonga can extend this lesson by completing the word tracing activity. 

Learning outcome 

Ākonga can: 

  • recognise and identify different kai 
  • sort and categorise kai 
  • count the number of kai 
  • trace letters to spell the kai. 

New Zealand Curriculum links

Health and Physical Education – Level 1

Personal health and physical development. 

  • Personal identity - Describe themselves in relation to a range of contexts.

Relationships with other people. 

  • Relationships - Explore and share ideas about relationships with other people.

English – Level 1

Speaking, writing, and presenting. 

  • Ideas - Students will: form and express ideas on a range of topics. Indicators: forms and expresses simple ideas and information, usually drawing from personal experience and knowledge.

Speaking, writing and presenting. 

  • Language features - Use language features, showing some recognition of their effects. Indicators: writes most letters and number forms legibly when creating texts.

Maths – Level 1

Geometry and measurement. 

  • Shape - Sort objects by their appearance.


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